Thrive or Survive?

-Research based powerfoods

-Formulated per species

-Feed for results

-Buy direct from manufacturer

It is Not a One Food Fits All World

Each fish species has its own water requirements, temperature requirements and space requirements. It stands to reason they each have specific nutritional requirements to thrive. Ark BioAquatics searched the world for the perfect food solutions for our fish breeding platform. When it was not found they simply developed their own. Sometimes when you want something done right you need to do it yourself!


What We Offer

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Fast Shipping

We offer fast, affordable shipping to ensure your dry goods arrive swiftly, safely, and securely.



Powerfood is defined as a staple when ingested containing 100% the vitamins, minerals and other nutritional ingredients to energize, boost immunity, ward off disease and allow a living to thrive reaching its full potential. PowerFood to Ark BioRite is a food that eliminates the need to feed live food 100%. By definition one food allowing your fish to Thrive, not just survive.

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One-Stop Shop

From research based Powerfoods, to logical solutions maintaining healthy water column, to both common sense natural procedures to combat common ailments along with medicinal products including proper instruction to maintain an environment for your livestock to Thrive, not just survive.